The Cosmic Dreaming Lodge has been a process of becoming. It’s inception was more of an evolution than having had a linear beginning, really.
Everything we see, feel, touch, sense, experience unfolds, spirals out from a source, that source is us and we begin as seeds.
We are planted in the earth, nurtured, watered, fed and loved. We begin to grow, expand and experience the world around us– we then begin our creating.
We begin our creating with out awareness until we each receive the gift that wakes us up. Some of us awaken like a lightning bolt and some, like me, experience a slow, unwinding and unfolding of an awakening that is like remembering.
Tracing the beginnings of the Lodge, I will have to go back to 2014. For some reason, 2014 was a big year of awakening. I experienced several profound shifts in my life, my healing journey and my expansion as an artist. I can not point to specific events as it was a series of internal shifts that became reflected in my work as a visionary artist.
I began sketching beings of unknown origin and playing with the concepts of interconnectedness in my art work as I experienced it through treating the fascial system of our body.
At the time, I had a thriving private practice as a John Barnes trained Myofascial Release therapist. That practice afforded me the privilege of treating folks with a gentle sustained pressure into their fascial system. The work served as a way to free the client of deeply held trauma, belief and movement patterns that became frozen in their systems. It was the sustained connection with my clients that would allow me to experience the flow of information on expanded levels that seemed other-worldly at times.
Over the years of treating and processing my experiences through art, what started to emerge were images of nature in a interconnected web of orbs, trees, plants and humans as well as symbols that I later realized were light codes. What I was experiencing while treating was opening me up to a reality where I could “see” and experience the vast, interconnected universe. We are that universe.
As I grew in experience, I allowed my work to change. Sometimes, most times, not knowing where or what I was creating. I just followed the thread of my imagination as it took me strait toward the creation of the lodge.
….to be continued in The Guides of the Lodge